For the purposes of the Emergency Child Care program, an emergency is defined as any “sudden and unforeseen circumstance whereby a family is unable due to time restrictions to implement their “Family Care Plan”.
Emergency child care is available to CF and USAF families at all times, day or night. If perhaps an emergency situation arises and you do not have child care, please follow the instructions below as how to obtain this service. We have screened child care providers on call and the MFRC covers the cost at our predetermined rates.
Some circumstances may include:
- A military member is away on duty and the spouse/caregiver is unavailable due to illness.
- A military member is away on duty and the spouse/caregiver is unavailable due to a family emergency.
- When the military member is required to report for duty on short notice and the spouse/caregiver is unavailable.
- When a single parent or both parents are military members and duty requirements are such that the parent is unable to access their usual child care arrangement at a time when the military member’s presence at work is critical to the military operation.
Emergency Child Care Providers:
- Are screened by a thorough screening process and have a completed police record check.
- Will respect your family’s confidentiality.
Instructions On How To Obtain Services
For further information regarding Emergency Child Care or to request assistance, please contact: Diane Sarrazin-Dubeau 705-494-2011 ext 2056/2053 at the MFRC Monday to Friday 8am-4pm or
email Diane at
Diane Sarrazin-Dubeau
After hours please contact the MCC DESK at 494-2011 ext 6407 for a list of providers. If this service is arranged through the MCC Desk after hours, please ensure that the MFRC Emergency Child Care Navigator is aware the next available business day.