What’s in it for me? What’s in it for my family?
- We help families to manage the challenges and circumstances associated with CF-related separation and reunion by offering support, raising awareness and empowering them to access relevant programs and services;
- We assist families to prepare for the challenges they may encounter before, during and after separation;
- We connect family members with each other, with other families and with the community;
- We offer support to families dealing with a crisis either before, during or after periods of separation.
What does the North Bay MFRC provide?
We offer the following programs and services…
A pre-deployment package with current resources and information on what to expect prior to, during and following a deployment (a pre-deployment package is mailed to every family);
The Mission Information Line brochure along with relevant websites and contact phone numbers to access information on deployed operations;
The Member Assistance Program booklet, developed to assist families in overcoming problems affecting personal and professional life;
We have a listing of city services that might be of assistance to you in times of trouble, including other useful resources;
We offer pre-deployment education by means of a one-on-one interview with the coordinator; at that time, permission is requested to contact next-of-kin;
We provide regular monthly telephone support through our Heartline Calls, if prior consent has been obtained from the family. This service offers support, sharing of information and community resources
For more information please contact:
The MFRC Front Desk at
705-494-2011 ext 2053