22 Wing Family Medical Clinic
The 22 Wing Family Medical Clinic is located at the rear parking lot of the CF Medical Facility at 95 Manston Crescent.
Patients can register by contacting Shirley Lirette at 705-494-2011 ext 2149. It is important to note that the Clinic will not accept patients that already have a family physician. If a patient already has a family physician but would like to become a patient of the 22 Wing Family Medical Clinic, they must inform their family physician that they no longer wish to remain as a patient and have that medical practice contact the 22 Wing Family Medical Clinic Office Coordinator to inform of the change.
For all inquiries please contact the 22 Wing Family Medical Clinic at 705-494-2011 ext 2149 or email at 22wingfamilyclinic@gmail.com
For a medical emergency, please call 911 or visit the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce that as of April 1st, 2019 the 22 Wing Family Medical Clinic has a permanent, sustainable business model thanks to two of its physicians, Dr. Rappaport and Dr. Delisle. Their commitment and agreement to ensure military and local civilian families will have access to healthcare has provided much relief to the Board, as this service has been a necessity for families and the work to keep it funded year after year was demanding.
For the past decade the medical clinic has been able to meet a dire need in our community under the governance of the MFRC and the impeccable coordination of our clinic staff member, Shirley. Thanks to the ongoing, unparalleled support from 22 Wing and the generosity of donations from the greater community, things kept moving towards this ultimate goal of sustainability. We must also recognize the Special Advisory Group for the clinic, and all of its past and present members, including our Honorary Colonels, who dedicated their time and network connections to help us with this “no-fail mission.”
Going forward, the MFRC will no longer be involved with the oversight of the clinic in an operational or governance capacity, and it is a comfort to the Board that these important roles now reside with experts in the healthcare field. With this crucial issue now resolved for our military families, the MFRC will turn its focus to identifying other pertinent needs in the community, and our fundraising efforts as a not-for-profit will now be able to revitalize other important programs and services, such as our We Care Program, which provides support to families during difficult times or when emergency situations arise.
I know the Wing, our Board, and the staff are incredibly happy to see this goal come to fruition, and it is certainly a culmination of our MFRC vision statement: “fulfilling needs, evolving programs, enhancing military family life.”
– Tessa Clermont, Executive Director